Lucy is a respected and experienced Production Executive,having worked in broadcast for over 20 years across many genres of broadcast including natural history, sports, live, fact ent and documentaries.

Since joining Plimsoll Lucy has been responsible for delivering and overseeing the production management of plimsolls adventure slate, working across Arctic Ascent: With Alex Honnold, The Devils Climb with Alex Honnold, Skyrunning Everest for Netflix. Lucy also manages and delivers many of our fact ent and documentary series including a number Marcus Wareing food series, new and exciting natural history + series Sharks! Celebrity infested waters. Flagship natural history programme, Secret Garden. Her documentary slate at plimsoll includes channel 4’s Britain by Beach and Sky’s The Girl that Caught a killer.

Before joining Plimsoll Lucy worked across some world class sporting events including Olympic games, super bowls, premiership rugby and premier league football, not to mention her branded content collaborations with different stake holders.

Grant Mansfield

CEO & Founder

Jonathan Jackson

Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer

Dr Martha Holmes

Chief Creative Officer, Natural History & Adventure

Karen Plumb

Head of Factual Entertainment

Alan Eyres

Head of Plimsoll USA

Mark Brownlow

Creative Director, Natural History

James Smith

Head of Adventure

Richard Klein

Head of Documentaries UK & International

Andrea Jackson

Creative Director, Factual Entertainment

Lucy Bilson

Head of Production

Will Brown

Head of Operations & HR

Becky Morrison

Head of Development

Ged Mansfield

Creative Director, Development

Richard Walker

Production Executive